50 Years Of Parasport: Honour last 50, Fortify next 50
50 Years Of Parasport: Honour last 50, Fortify next 50

In 2023, Parasport would reach its 50th year anniversary in Singapore. To commemorate this momentous occasion, we are thrilled to share with you our year-long campaign that will be held for 2023 – “50 years of Parasport”.
The campaign takes on the theme of “Honour last 50, Fortify next 50.” It aims to celebrate the achievements in local para sport since SDSC’s formation in 1973, and also look ahead to our future accomplishments together as a community. The campaign logo demonstrates this concept, with its colours and text placements.

Partnership Opportunities
To discuss for possible partnership, email us at corpcomm@sdsc.org.sg.
Event & Outreach Opportunities
- Community Sport Programmes
- Outreach Events
- International Events
- Volunteer Management
- Para Sport Partnerships
- I’mPOSSIBLE Programme
Partnership Opportunities
- Media Opportunities
- Event Sponsorships