Train From Home | CP Football


The circuit breaker measures in Singapore are in place from 7 April 2020 to 4 May 2020. During this period, our athletes are unable to continue training. We speak to the athletes and the coaches to learn more about how they are continuing to keep fit.

Sport: CP Football

Athletes: Muhammad Mubarak Mohd Rastam, Muhammad Shafiq Ariff, Suhaimi Sudar

Coach: Mohamed Azhar Mohamed Idros

Questions (Athletes)

1. How has virtual training and training at home been, so far for you?

Mubarak: Training at home has been different because I’m so used to training with my teammates. Plus it is a lot more harder to train alone because when you train in a team you can motivate one another to push and soldier on when the going gets tough. That is the beauty of a team sport.

Shafiq: Virtual training has been manageable so far. It is weird at the start because im usually outside training with the team.

Suhaimi: I prefer to do the workouts outdoors, so I have to adhere to the circuit-breaker measures. With the mask-wearing regulation being newly implemented, I may consider working out at home.

2. What are some exercises you are able to do at home?

Mubarak: I am able to do some static workouts at home such as squats, push-ups, mountain climbers, burpees, crunches,v-ups, planks & lunges…etc. In fact there are so many workouts we can do at home!

Shafiq: Exercises I’m able to do are like jumping jacks, planks, push ups etc.

Suhaimi: The workouts can be done indoors or outdoors as they are basic like squats, crunches and planks.

3. What are the positives and what are the challenges?

Mubarak: Positive is that I am able to workout at any point of time instead of a specific time when we had training as I am a shift worker. At the same time the challenges that I face is that we cannot train together as a team so it is difficult to work on tactics & do ball work. So during these difficult times we focus more on our fitness so as to not fall back when we resume training on the pitch when this CB period is over hopefully.

Shafiq: The positives about  doing it at home is that you get to do your workout/training at your own time. The challenge is that we are a team sport and we need to play in the field. Haha! But we just need to hold on until the virus subsides.

Suhaimi: The workouts keep us active throughout the week while working from home. But it’s also challenging doing alone with the encouragement from others.

4. Is there anything done differently as opposed to what normally happens at training (e.g. video analysis/chatting about rules/team tactics etc)?

Mubarak: Video analysis can only do so much. The technical work on the pitch must be done in order for the team to further understand what Coach wants us do on the pitch. We still do video conferencing just to keep the team in the loop but for now we are more focused on staying fit.

Shafiq: Since our training in the field have to put on hold due to the virus, we are now more into workouts.

Suhaimi: Of course there is no application to the field, so we have to visualise more.

5. How much are you looking forward to going back to the field?

Mubarak: I cannot wait to get back on the field! My legs are itching to play with my teammates!

Shafiq: Can’t wait to be back on the pitch!

Suhaimi: Hopefully we can return soon!

6. What are some words of encouragement for Singapore’s frontline team (e.g. essential services/medical staff etc)?

Mubarak: To the frontline team, I thank you for being courageous, selfless and kind amidst all the panic these pandemic has shown us. To the healthcare workers I salute you for having the courage, determination & sacrifice to help others knowing that you guys put yourself at risk. Last but not stay safe!

Shafiq: Since I’m a healthcare assistant myself, I would like to say to all frontline workers thank you for working so hard despite the long working hours.

Suhaimi: Stay strong & positive! We will get through this.

Questions (Coach)

1. How has virtual training been so far for you, in terms of administering the session and guiding your team?​

Coach Azhar: Basically this is the first time as a coach I have to prepare a home base programme for the CP Football team. Coach Roslan (Assistant Coach) also assisted me in the planning. Due to their different classifications, I have to plan the regime which is suitable for all the players and I myself tried it out to make sure the CP players can carry out the workouts.

I also informed the team to watch their diet and nutrition.

2. How are the spirits of the boys?​

Coach Azhar: The team spirit is high. All players are disciplined, dedicated and have a positive mindset about the home base programme.

3. Are you doing team catch-ups online (e.g. virtual meetings/calls) and how has that been?

Coach Azhar: So far the team has done 3 videos log and have submitted to me personally. We communicate via WhatsApp and video call. This is also the first time the CP Football players do a video log and they are trying their best to record it. I informed Khairul and Mubarak also to communicate with the team to ensure the rest of the players can achieve the home-based programme.