Weekly Planner | Nurul Taha
Planning your weekly activities can clearly illustrate whether or not you are staying on schedule.
We speak to Nurulasyiqah Mohammad Taha from Boccia about her weekly planner during the ‘Circuit Breaker’.

22 May 2020
- Why is it important to plan your training sessions at home?
I admit that I lack the discipline to dedicate a few hours a day on my training if I don’t draw up a routine because there are so many distractions at home – the bed, the internet, the fridge.
Also, as a Boccia athlete who does not have access to a sports assistant to assist me with physical training at home, our training has been adapted to go online and this has inadvertently increased our daily screen time. Without a plan or routine to manage my activities at home, the increased screen time and reduced movement will significantly impair my muscles.
- How has your routine changed because of the ‘circuit breaker’?
The biggest change is that I no longer travel daily for my trainings at the OCBC Arena since the implementation of the circuit breaker measures. Secondly, I participate in e-therapy sessions once a week to exercise together in a group. Lastly, to offset the increased screen time for training during the circuit breaker, I’ve scheduled some time for craft activities and uninterrupted reading.
The circuit breaker has also unexpectedly enabled me to fully participate in the International Paralympic Committee Athletes’ Council meetings scheduled in April 2020 in Bonn, Germany. Initially, I was unable to fly to Bonn due to training commitments. However, the various lockdowns and stay home requirements around the world pushed all the Council members to meet online once a week to discuss various matters. It was quite surreal having meetings at 8.00pm knowing that it was 6.00am or 10.00pm for other Council members!
- Have you broken your routine? if yes, what were some of the outcomes/consequences?
I wouldn’t say I’ve “broken” my routine. There were times where I wasn’t able to stick to my schedule by the hour. However, as I had given myself pockets of free time throughout the day and week, I had the flexibility to “make-up” for insufficient time spent on a particular activity/training.
- Share how the community can take charge of their routine with a planner
Try to maintain a similar weekday-weekend routine as before the circuit breaker period. You don’t want your weekends and weekdays to blur into each other because you’ll easily lose your sense of time.
However, be kind to yourself – don’t expect to replicate 100% of your outside training/activities at home during the circuit breaker period because things just cannot the same. Give yourself sufficient breaks throughout the day and week so you have the flexibility to tweak your trainings/activities depending on your mental and physical condition.