[SDSC Advisory] SDSC Advisory To Members on Response to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Wuhan and Hubei province


24 January 2020

Dear Athletes, Coaches and Members

SDSC Advisory To Members on Response to Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia in Wuhan and Hubei province

1.         Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a new strain that has not been previously known in humans has been identified in China. The novel coronavirus (named 2019-NCoV) has caused cases of severe pneumonia in China and cases have been exported to other cities and countries.

2.         Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties.

3.         In view of the situation in Wuhan, Hubei province and China, SDSC advises athletes, coaches and members to avoid all travel to Wuhan and Hubei province, while continuing to exercise caution and attention to personal hygiene when travelling to the rest of China.

General Advice

4.         SDSC does not require self-isolation of athletes, coaches and members who are coming back from China at this juncture. However, you should monitor your health closely for 2 weeks upon return to Singapore and seek medical attention promptly if you feel unwell, and also inform your doctor of your travel history. If you have a fever or respiratory symptoms (e.g. cough, runny nose), you should wear a mask and call the clinic ahead of the visit.

5.         If travelling, please adopt the following precautions at all times:

  1. Avoid contact with live animals including poultry and birds, and consumption of raw and undercooked meats;
  2. Avoid close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms of illness;
  3. Observe good personal hygiene;
  4. Practise frequent hand washing with soap (e.g. before handling food or eating, after going to the toilet, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretions after coughing or sneezing);
  5. Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms such as a cough or runny nose;
  6. Cover your mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing, and dispose the soiled tissue paper in the rubbish bin immediately; and
  7. Seek medical attention promptly if you are feeling unwell.

6.         We encourage you to share the above information with relevant parties and check the MOH website regularly on further updates and Health Advisories. You are also encouraged to print and display the attached poster at your premises.