Code of Conduct

Our commitment to strong governance practices ensures that we uphold ethical standards,
maintain the trust of our stakeholders, and strive for long-term sustainability.

1 Purpose

To define the standards of behaviour expected of people who work for, or on behalf of, the Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC) to maintain
consistency with SDSC’s mission and core values, and minimise risks of behaviour that may create liability or bring disrepute to SDSC.

2 Introduction

The SDSC seeks to build a vibrant and inclusive community where persons with disabilities can pursue their sporting aspirations. The SDSC accomplishes this mission through its commitment to:
– Honesty
– Integrity
– Respect
– Accountability and Transparency

3 Applicability

This Code of Conduct applies to all volunteers, employees, as well as board members and members of Subcommittees and work groups
established by the board. These individuals are hereinafter referred to as “SDSC representatives”.

4 Limitations

Whilst this Code of Conduct attempts to cover as many areas as possible, it is not possible to be exhaustive. Neither can this Code of Conduct take the place of good judgement or integrity. If assistance or clarification is needed concerning the application of any of these standards, consult the reporting officer, the Executive Director or the board promptly.

5 Reporting Obligations

SDSC has established a Whistle Blowing Policy which outlines the reporting channels and processes for unethical, illegal or improper conduct.
It shall be a breach of the Code for any SDSC representative not to report any violation of the Code that comes to his or her knowledge.

6 Expectations on SDSC Representatives

6.1 Respect to Individuals
a. Respect all individuals that you come into contact with in the course of your duty, and treat them fairly and equally. Do not engage in abuse,
discrimination or harassment of any type, including but without limitation to, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, disability, or age.

b. Understand that harassment refers to unwanted and inappropriate physical, verbal or non-verbal behaviour which is humiliating, offensive and / or
intimidating to another party. Types of harassment include, but are not limited to, stalking, cyber-bullying and sexual harassment, which can take place in person or via other mediums such as the Internet and telephone. SDSC takes a zero tolerance stand towards harassment of any type.

c. Refrain from religious proselytising, preaching or carrying out religious beliefs during the discharge of your duty.

6.2 Integrity of Work
a. Carry out your duty with responsibility, honesty and accuracy.

b. Adhere to SDSC’s policies in financial transactions. Reflect actual transactions in financial documents, in accordance to generally accepted accounting principles.

c. Do not alter or falsify information, including any record or document, to intentionally make a false, incomplete or misleading statement or claim to anyone.

6.3 Confidentiality of Information
a. Understand that while SDSC is committed to open communications as part of good corporate governance, any information not released to the public is
considered confidential.

b. Protect SDSC’s information, especially those pertaining to personal data, finances, remuneration and contractual relationships, from loss, theft,
inadvertent or unauthorised disclosure or misuse. The disclosure of information, particularly those pertaining to personal data, due to negligence may cause harm to affected individuals and result in disciplinary actions and financial compensations.

(i) Do not discuss with or disclose to any unauthorised persons inside or outside the SDSC any confidential information, unless authorised to do so.

(ii) Be careful about discussing SDSC information and activities in the presence of, or within hearing distance of, unauthorised personnel.

(iii) Do not seek or accept any information to which you and the SDSC are not legitimately entitled to.

(iv) Hold only the appropriate amount of personal data. Excessive collection is prohibited under the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA).

(v) Do not leave physical records unattended in common areas. Destroy prints that contain personal data and are uncollected.

(vi) Encrypt electronic files that are transferred to external parties (e.g. vendors for printing of accreditations), if they contain personal data. Provide the encryption key or password in a separate email.

(vii) Maintain the confidentiality and protection of SDSC information even if your term, employment or period of duty has ended.

c. Do not use SDSC information for personal benefit. Be aware that such usage may constitute a criminal offence.

6.4 Use and Care of Organisation Resources
a. Do not use SDSC’s resources for personal gain or illegal purposes. SDSC’s resources include, but are not limited to, company time, materials, supplies, equipment (including vehicles), information, electronic mail, computer systems, facilities and other property which may be provided to
you to fulfil SDSC’s mission and work.

b. Take care of and protect such given resources from loss, damage, misuse and theft. Do not install privately-owned or pirated software in SDSC’s IT
infrastructures and systems.

6.5 Close Personal Relations
a. Do not engage in intimate relationships with beneficiaries or their families.

b. Refer to SDSC’s Conflict of Interest Policy for potential conflict of interest situations and disclosure proceedings.

6.6 Contractual Relations
a. Do not enter into a contractual relationship with a third party on behalf of SDSC unless otherwise expressly authorised by the board or Executive Director.

6.7 Safeguard Health and Safety
a) Observe safety and health practices to promote an accident-free work environment. Notify the reporting officer or Executive Director if you notice
unsafe work conditions or processes so that appropriate measures can be taken to remove or minimise such hazards.

b. Seek medical treatment if you are unwell.

c. Apply for leave of absence if you are impaired by alcohol or prescribed drugs, or mentally unfit for duty.

d. Do not conceal information that may pose risks to the safety or well-being of individuals that you may come into contact with in the course of your duty.

6.8 Punctuality and Absenteeism
a. Be punctual for duty.

b. Inform the reporting officer as far in advance as possible, when expecting to be absent from duty.

6.9 Dress code
a. Dress appropriately, in SDSC’s attire as and when required, when carrying out your duty.

6.10 Gifts
a. Understand that any payment, or promise of payment or other similar inducements, made directly or indirectly, to gain perceived advantage for or with the SDSC is strictly prohibited.

b. Decline cash gifts (of any value), lavish or excessive gifts. Do not accept any gift from existing or potential suppliers.

c. Declare any non-perishable gift. Share perishable gifts with colleagues or peers.

6.11 Expenses and Claims
a. Refer to SDSC’s Expense and Claims Policy for SDSC representatives. Direct any queries on the policy to SDSC’s Finance Department.

6.12 Political Activities
a. Do not display, circulate, or otherwise present on SDSC property or during activities political literature, campaign materials or politically orientated information materials, posters or signs.

b. Participate in political processes on your own time and at your own expense, provided that you do not give the impression that you are speaking on behalf or representing SDSC in such activities.

c. Use vacation time or request leave of absence to campaign or hold office.

6.13 Communications
a. Respond to requests in a timely manner.

b. Direct media queries and liaison to the Corporate Communications Department. Except for the President and Executive Director who are designated spokespersons for the SDSC, you must receive express authority before speaking or writing to the media on matters related to SDSC.

c. Do not respond or comment publicly in any way that may be construed to be negative, offensive or derogatory towards matters or individuals related
to SDSC. This includes subtle references such as tagging, liking, or retweeting comments or posts, which indicates your approval of such content.

d. Do not use profane, obscene or inappropriate language.

e. Exercise care in setting boundaries between your personal and public communications. Understand that privacy settings are not fool-proof, and what may seem private can often become public, unknowingly and without consent.

f. Do not post or share photographs or videos of beneficiaries on your personal social media platforms, without first obtaining permission from the beneficiaries or Corporate Communications Department.

6.14 Accountability
a. You are responsible for fully understanding and complying with the Code, including any policies indicated in the Code.

b. Recognise that even the appearance of misconduct or impropriety can damage SDSC’s reputation and make decisions to avoid such damage.

7 Document Log

Document / Section & Clause – Code of Conduct for SDSC Representatives

Details of Revision – N.A.

Approval – 12 May 2020 by Exco

8 Related Documents

a. Whistle Blowing Policy

b. Conflict of Interest Policy

c. Expense and Claims Policy



You may download the SDSC Code of Conduct document here.