SDSC Launches Campaign to Rally Singapore Behind National Athletes

- Over 2000 students from seven schools have committed to the campaign to date
- Campaign includes distribution of children’s storybooks featuring world No. 1 para archer Nur Syahidah Alim, and buddy runs
The Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC) has launched a campaign to rally Singaporeans to root for national athletes who are in their last stretch of qualifications for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. The campaign, called I’mPOSSIBLE Celebrations, will last till the end of the Paralympic Games in September 2021.
The highlight of the I’mPOSSIBLE Celebrations is the I’mPOSSIBLE Buddy Run 2021, a virtual run targeting a total collective distance of 10,625 km from participants. The figure marks a round-trip between Singapore and Tokyo, and symbolises a journey taken together with national athletes towards their aspirations. The run also takes on an interesting concept, where participants are encouraged to participate in pairs ($32), and take turns to blindfold themselves during the run. Modelled after the guided run event in the Paralympic Games that is designed for visually challenged competitors, it offers Singaporeans an experience of how Paralympians conquer their fears to achieve.
“Losing my sight made it seem impossible for me to play sports. Having a guide, for running, and a pilot, for cycling, makes it possible. When racing in the velodrome, I rely only on the words of my pilot and my blind faith in him. I am heartened to have the understanding and support from Singaporeans through this campaign. This helps make the impossible possible,” said Mr Steve Tee, a para cyclist who has qualified for the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games. This would be Singapore’s debut in the sport at the Paralympics Games.
To date, about 2,000 youth have collectively clocked a distance of 691 km through buddy runs organised by their schools. The SDSC hopes that more schools and members of the public can register for the run and play a part in achieving the distance of 10,625 km together.
The I’mPOSSIBLE Celebrations 2021 is made possible by Micron Foundation. Other activities that have been introduced as part of this campaign include colouring, drawing, writing and cheer competitions, and the launch of young reader storybooks featuring the story of Syahidah Alim, national archer and current world ranked number 1 in the Women’s Compound category for para archery.
“It takes enormous mental strength to reach the top. Often, an athlete gives up years of his or her life for that chance, while friends and peers move on ahead in theirs. Through this campaign, we want to tell our national athletes that we know what they’ve put in, and Singapore is behind them. We are grateful that Micron understands that, from their long-term partnership with us, and agreed to take this step with us,” shared Ms Kelly Fan, Executive Director, SDSC.
“We are committed to using Micron’s strengths and influence to create and promote an inclusive and equitable culture inside and outside of our business,” said Chen Kok Sing, corporate vice president and Singapore country manager at Micron. “We are proud to partner with SDSC and support Singapore’s para athletes through this inspiring community event.”.
Schools and members of the public are encouraged to visit to find out how they can participate in the campaign.
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