
Focus on Abilities is an Athlete Life initiative by the Singapore Disability Sports Council (SDSC) that seeks to unite supportive partners and donors to provide comprehensive career support for para athletes. Our aim is to empower para athletes to not only navigate success in their chosen sport but also to seamlessly transition into successful dual and post-sport careers.

Tailored for para athletes, FoA’s support includes:

  • Career Planning and Guidance
  • Skill-Building Opportunities
  • Employment Support
  • Networking Opportunities


For athletes — Why pursue a dual career?

For employers — Why hire Team Singapore para athletes?

Programmes & Resources

Join our workshops and talks on employability!

Check out articles on balancing sport and a day job!

Meet our Team Singapore Para Athletes

Read their testimonials here.

Meet our Partners

  • For employers: If you’d like to learn more about how to create a more inclusive and diverse workplace and be a champion for disability inclusion in the workplace, check, these are the partners you can work with!
  • For athletes: If you’d like to find job opportunities and strengthen your employability skills, check out our partners!

Live The Dream by Micron in partnership with SDSC

  • The Micron-SDSC partnership has been positively impacting persons with disabilities in Singapore since 2015. This partnership emphasises transformative change for persons with disabilities through sustained commitment to meaningful para sport programmes and opportunities.
  • Micron Foundation will continue to invest in employability initiatives for para athletes, to help shape brighter futures for para athletes beyond the podium. These initiatives include: Employability Skills Workshops, Mentorship Programmes, Accessible Learning Resources for Para Athletes and Employers.
  • This site is made possible by the generous partnership of Micron Foundation.

Focus on Abilities is an initiative by the Singapore Disability Sports Council.

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Our Focus on Abilities Partners:

© 2024. Singapore Disability Sports Council